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The Conscious
Motherhood Circle

“When a mother heals, her entire family heals.”


Come together to break generational trauma, be in community with like-minded women, share stories, heal, reconnect, and light the fire within you, momma. Be clear on your purpose at this time and have a remembrance of your journey beyond motherhood at this time.

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  • Yoga and Meditation: Immerse yourself in yoga and meditation sessions that promote physical and mental well-being. Start your day with mindful practices that rejuvenate your body and spirit.

  • Card Pulling: Explore the power of self-reflection and intuition through card-pulling sessions. This practice can provide insights and guidance, helping you connect with your inner wisdom.

  • EFT Tapping: Experience the transformative effects of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping. Learn this powerful tool for managing stress, reducing anxiety, and improving emotional balance.

  • Connection Sessions: Join heart-centered connection sessions where you can share and connect with fellow mothers in a safe and supportive environment. Build meaningful relationships and strengthen your sense of community.

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  • Writing Workshops: Participate in expressive writing workshops that encourage self-discovery and creative expression. Explore your thoughts, emotions, and stories through the written word.

  • Spiritual Healing: Embark on a journey of spiritual healing, exploring practices that nurture your inner connection and sense of purpose. Discover a deeper sense of spirituality that aligns with your motherhood experience.

  • Fire Pit Ceremony: Gather around the fire pit for a meaningful ceremony. This shared experience allows you to release what no longer serves you and set intentions for personal growth and transformation.

  • Group Coaching: Engage in group coaching sessions led by Julissa Edwards. These sessions provide valuable insights, guidance, and strategies for enhancing your motherhood journey and well-being.

  • Relaxing and Rejuvenating Activities: Enjoy a variety of relaxing and rejuvenating activities that cater to your self-care needs. From spa treatments to nature walks, you'll find opportunities to unwind and recharge.



Date: December 9th, 2023 

Time: 10 AM - 5 PM
Location: Charlotte, NC
*location and nearby hotels will be given upon purchase of tickets.

Your Retreat Package includes:

  • Nourishing Meals:

    • ​Breakfast 

    • Lunch 

    • Nourishing Snacks

    • Tea and refreshments


Why are mommas joining the CMO Retreat?

"I feel like motherhood is swallowing up my identity". 

"I'm having a hard time getting back to feeling like my usual self".

"I feel guilty honoring the parts of me that are having a really hard time in motherhood because I love my daughters so much".

"Not only am I taking care of my children, I'm also taking care of other family members. And so this event is finally going to give me the opportunity to breathe".

"This feels like a day where I could finally stop the ever-long list of two do's in my head and all the rumination that occurs". 

"I'm a huge fan of your work, and I just know that this day is going to be magical".

"I'd love to connect with other moms and know that I'm not alone in my thoughts."


"I'd love to meet a community of moms that are right here in Charlotte, North Carolina". 

If you've resonated with any of those statements (and those are word-by-word quotations of the moms that have signed up for this retreat) join the waitlist!

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